Why the name WholeHearted and Why the Color Green for the Logo?
This is me, sharing my story. Only a few years ago I was trapped in what felt like an endless cycle of addiction. I am so grateful that I found my way out of it and into the process of creation! It has not been an easy road, a lot of therapy, some really unhealthy relationships, and a journey into my ‘darkness’, you know where all the limiting beliefs and bad stuff you say about yourself lives. I have been browsing through those areas of my life.
I have loved yoga for many years now and for years my intention on my mat was “I want to be a better person.” Now I rephrase that to “I am always Becoming More” of who I am. I was certified as a yoga instructor in 2016 while still in my addiction. I came out of it in 2019 and was completely lost. I found a Wayne Dyer book and in all honesty it was way over my head at the time. I recall reading “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at will change.” I must have read that quote 300 times, sometimes I still have to read it word for word! In my quest my Spirituality side started to resonate with me and I earned my Ph.D. in Philosophy and Metaphysics in 2022.
The brand name Wholehearted came from my heart. I want to live my most authentic life and creating these Luxury Vegan Sneakers is me doing just that! It is me, in the words of Brene Brown “engaging from a place of worthiness.” This is the HEART of the brand WORTHINESS and the WHOLE is that we aspire to assist “The Whole World” to find their Worthiness. This is a big task and we want to walk with you through your journey, one sole at a time!
The heart, as our logo was inspired from the 4th Chakra, the heart chakra and its primary color is green, which is for receiving love and we want you to receive love with each interaction you have with our company! We are here to cultivate what is important to us, trust, happiness, joy, and releasing fear, (in a big way here for us, starting a shoe brand in 2024!) and allowing ourselves to live out our deepest heart and sole’s desires!
We hope that you’ll join us in our journey!

About Stephanie
This is me passionately pursuing my purpose. My highest self believes Wholeheartedly in the Power of Love, the tranquility of Peace, and the changes produced with Kindness.
When I thought of this brand, I thought of my kiddos. At one point a few years ago as I and they were going through some things we sat down one night and invented POK, POP, and POG (Power of Kindness, Power of Positivity, and Power of Gratitude). We gave these characters these powers and then they went on missions to help people realize that we always have a choice and that with Kindness, Positivity, and Gratitude life is much fuller, funnier, and filled with Joy.
The brand encompasses everything I want to live by and put forth into this Universe and it is a daily practice. WholeHearted is a statement to manifest your Dreams at ANY point in your life.
We at WholeHearted, just as we are pursuing our dream, want to encourage you to do the same! We are here to inspire everyone into living their secret dream and deepest desire.